Top 6 Sizzling BBQ Foods to Celebrate Teacher's Day

Here are the Top 6 must have BBQ food at this year’s Teacher’s day’s gathering

Photo by Getty

Secondary school was the time where most of us had minimal responsibilities, our only goal was to work hard, burn the midnight oil and graduate from school. Now, most of us are occupied with work and life’s many responsibilities. During the weekends, we prefer to spend more time indoors to recharge our social batteries. However, sometimes, reconnecting with your old classmates and teachers outdoors might just be the recharge you need! The memories spent with your teachers and secondary school mates are priceless and will stay with you forever. It is easy to get caught up with life, therefore, instead of postponing the gathering for another year, celebrate both TGIF and Teacher’s day this year with your old classmates and teachers!

1. BBQ chicken wings

To kick off the list, this is a must-have at every BBQ gathering, not having this is like going to school without your backpack. With its crispy and juicy texture, this is easily the most high in demand food at BBQ gatherings, and is always needed back on the grill within seconds!

Photo by Matthew Stone

2. Satay

Another staple food at every BBQ gathering, the satay. Don’t plan on getting your hands dirty? The satay is a delicious alternative for the class athletes and hunks who are actually there for their long awaited arm wrestling rematch but don’t want the greasiness to affect their grip strength 💪. Satays usually come in a few variations, namely, chicken, mutton and beef, a wide range of options for those looking for quick and easy protein! You can never go wrong with satay 😉.

Photo by Kanawa_Studio

3. Fennel Sausage and Cherry Tomatoes Pasta Tray

While protein might be very important to some people, it is always good and more fun to pair it together with some form of carbs, specifically, the Fennel Sausage and Cherry Tomatoes Pasta Tray from All Things Delicious! Most BBQ gatherings usually include hot dogs but this comes with both sausages and pasta, the best of both worlds. (Do note that this serves 4-6 people)

Photo by CJ Wadhwa

4. Fresh Fruits Platter

There is always room for dessert...The Fresh Fruits Platter from All Things Delicious is perfect for washing down the heavy food as well as keeping everyone refreshed and re-energised for the rest of the evening!

Photo by: CJ Wadhwa

5. Marshmallows

Gather around, sit in a circle and start to reminisce about the old days at secondary school camps while the sweet and roasted texture of the marshmallow melts in your mouth. Sitting around the campfire, singing songs and chanting camp cheers with your classmates and teachers till way past everyone’s bedtime. The later it got, the stronger the bond between the class and teachers became. Let the marshmallows remind you once again how precious the bond between you and your teachers is.

Photo by: Taktaks

6. Sparkling Lemonade

Meeting your old classmates and teachers can sometimes be nerve wrecking, especially if it has been a few years since you last met them. Don’t know what to do with your hands, while social anxiety starts kicking in? Fear not, All Things Delicious has got your back once again! With their sparkling lemonade, avoid social anxiety by always having a drink in your hand and just focus on enjoying your time catching up with your old teachers and classmates. At the same time, relive those days where you and your friends bought fizzy cola drinks from the vending machine to quench your thirst after every PE class.

Photo by CJ Wadhwa


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